Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Business Intelligence Search

After, I had developed CSE Builder, now is time to demonstrate the Google Custom Search Engine which got configured using it. Since I have dedicated plenty of my professional life to dealing with Business Intelligence (BI), I though to use my expertise and develop Custom BI Search Engine.

What is the aim?
I wanted to provide with a capability to perform faster and more relevant searches within BI space. Typical to other searches, when you query the web for desired content you get plenty of irrelevant hits (imagine typing bi into search box...). This is when CSE comes handy as it provides with extension point to the Google search allowing the author (me) to influence population of the search results. And I used my tags collected on Delicious for this reason.

How does it look?
Here is the screenshot:

Click to enlarge the BI Search Layout

NB: In case you were unsure - my favourite browser of choice is FireFox ;)

How did I do it?
  1. Subscribed to Google COOP services and created new search engine
  2. Migrated and cleaned some of my tags to a dedicated Delicious account
  3. Used CSEB to convert these tags into annotations and context (check this post for more details)
  4. Uploaded the results into my custom search
  5. Subscribed to Google AJAX Search API
  6. Created custom page to perform restricted searches
  7. Customized my delicious tag roll to allow facilitate search category application
  8. And finally published the results on my gadgets site.

If you would like to add the Business Intelligence Search to you iGoogle page - simply click the button Add to Google

- Let us know if you found it useful.

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