Well, I have to admit, very often I am inclined to say NO. This answer happens, when I am terribly busy:
- meeting prospects and agreeing proposals, scope etc.
- researching especially during the inception phase
- defining frame of the solution and PADs (project architect doc) during the elaboration
- agreeing and maintaining SLAs with other teams and groups
At the same time, I am a software developer. This is what I have been doing for ages. This is one of the main reasons, why I am in his industry. I simply love to see how software can simplify our lives, provide solutions to our problems and business needs.
My passion for the software, was born when I got with my fist computer - ZX Spectrum Plus. I went on exploring VB, Logo and ended with ZX80 Assembler. Then Delphi, SQL, UML, C++, Java, JavaScript, CAL and many more to come. All of that because I like to code, I like dealing with:
- the beautiful code
- the lean (== properly refactored) code
- the understandable and fluent code
- the efficient code
- the robust code
Thanks to this affection of mine, I draw my diagrams and write specs with more freedom, as hopefully I can:
- Notice what part of the proposed scope seems too ambitious for the proposed time scale
- Pick and choose the right third party libraries to be able to focus on the core of the problem
- Evaluate ideas first hand and find integration issues
- Shape SLAs to allow enough freedom for future evolution / extensibility
- Maintain SLAs to the advantage of the business and developers
- Discuss proposals in depth with the developers
- Propose new ways of solving the problems, what makes all the geeks within the team tick
To avoid empty words, check these few code gadgets , my experiments which are available to the public domain
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